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Which of the following is not a true statement?
- Make sure proper fire extinguishers are available and maintained
- Explosion proof lighting should be used in confined areas
- Do not smoke with contaminated hands
- Broken ladders are ok to use
Which statements are the most likely causes of accidents? select only one answer
- Unsafe acts are due to failure to recognize job hazards
- Too much safety training
- The lack of knowledge about such hazards
- Both a and c
What is the chemical formula for hydrogen peroxide?
- O2
- CO2
- H2S
- H2O2
What should be done if hydrogen peroxide is splashed in the eyes?
- Run around the block
- Don an SCBA
- Flush with water for at least 15 minutes
- Drink 1 gallon of water
Which activities should treatment plant employees not participate in while on the job? select only one answer
- Practical jokes
- Horseplay
- Distraction of other employees
- All of the above
Which tools are not considered Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)? select only one answer
- Sludge judge
- Eye wear
- Steel-toe shoes
- Hard hat
- Gloves
- D.O. meter
- a and f
What is the main reason to install toe-boards?
- To improve the air quality
- To prevent items from falling on personnel below
- To protect eyes and ears
- To prevent items from being destroyed
What type of fire typically requires a CO2 fire extinguisher?
- A only
- B or C
- C only
- None
What is the depth that dictates a trench or excavation to require sloping to angle of repose, shoring or trench box for employee protection?
- 1 foot
- 15 feet
- 10 feet
- 5 feet
To prevent a violent reaction from occurring, never:
- Pour acid into water
- Pour water into acid
- It can be done either way without a problem